Guabao Coding and Proving Hand in Hand

Key Combinations

The Guarded Command Language variation in Guabao allows unicode characters in various occasions. Key combinations for inputing these characters start with . Most of these characters have their equivalent ASCII counterpart too. The programmer is allowed to use either of them.

The following is a (probably incomplete) list:

Key Combination Unicode Char ASCII Symbol
\[space] \
\-> \rightarrow \r \to ->
\/= \neq \!= /=
\>= \ge \gte >=
\<= \le \lte <=
\==> \Rightarrow \implies \R ==>
\<== \Leftarrow \ffrom \L <==
\&& \wedge \and &&
\|| \vee \or ||
\~ \neg \- ¬ ~
\<| \langle \< <|
\|>, \rangle \> |>
\min \downarrow \d min
\max \uparrow \u max
\sum \Sigma \sigma \Gs Σ
\product \Pi \pi \Gp
\forall \all \A
\exists \ex \E
\<=> \equiv \iff \=== <=>
\sconj ٭